Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Let's talk about the film I, Robot (2004)

It is obvious that the technophobia exist in the film, as it is about the revolution of robots who want to control the world. Regardless of the entire film, The Three Laws of Robotics show the fear of human towards new technologies in the clips, for example, robots have to protect the human, and should not hurt them. They are allowed to protect themselves on the condition that not hurting any humankind. This kind of regulation shows the potential threat of the robot.
Interestingly, the robots are somehow radicalized as the third world people in the reality. The robots take the jobs that are inferior, such as dustmen and couriers. In certain extent, they seem to be the slaves in ancient period, for example, people can win a robot from buying lottery, which is about getting a slave by consumption. Apart from the inferior portrayal, the robots are stereotype as something evil. The scene that the detective thinks the robot is a criminal, and chases the robot on the street. The only evidence he gives is the robot is running with a purse. Obviously, the image of robot is being stereotyped here. It somehow reflects the reality of how the white think about the blacks.


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