Friday, May 12, 2006

Blogged Response to Gattaca clip

With current technology, I don't believe the genetic selection technology in the movie Gattaca is advanced enough to extract all the genetic defectiveness in a non-born child. Of course each parent would want to give their offspring the best start into society as possible. But its not realistic. As mentioned in the movie children born through natural mean (human copulation) is shunned upon, and when the birth of Vincent played by Ethan Hawke, is born, the movie portrays him as a defective child and one that will not last long in life.

Perhaps in the future, science could advance to a point where the genetic screening is possible. And would people take this choice or will they shy away from it as it is a counter-religious action where in our society, birth is ingrain into her life as it is suppose to be a natural process with minimal science intervention as possible.

The movie definitely evokes a sense of security for married couples to have children if they can screen out the bad genes to ensure there is minimal sufferings for their children as it grows up.

Over time, people might come to accept this eugenics because the pros outweighs the cons to having a better, healthier, more intelligent child.

I find it somewhat true to what the movie reference as to class, race, and gender. In our current society, class is something that is determined by your family wealth or once monetary value. Race is definitely one issue in our present society that is segregating who has access to what. Its a Caucasian-English speaking society that evoke in the education and sociological psyche that prioritized this world as a 'White Man' society.
Gender is also a touchy subject, as in our society, at least the urban society, Men are seen as the bread-winner and women are the one who is submissive to the men.

Gattaca shows with genetic screen, those issues of class, race, and gender are wiped out, and the DNA is the only factor that remains that determines your class in society. It will not matter if you are White/Black/Asian/Hispanic, or Man or Woman, if you have the right genes, the superior genes you can do what ever you chose. Your DNA will be your identity card, and its ultimate factor in determining your access to the world. And how the world might accept you or deny you.


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